"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38(Lauren, Mark, Kathleen, Sue)
T-minus 12 days and counting until our feet touch down in the soil and we breathe the air in Swaziland Africa. We're ready and eager to go. Eager to do the work. Eager to meet and show love to the Swazi people. Eager to see what God has in store. We're all feeling a little like kids again...eagerly awaiting a gift that will soon be opened. I remember Jesus once saying in one of His teachings; "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
(Matt 18:33) So I guess we're on the right track, huh?!
We continue to be overwhelmed at the encouragement, prayer and support that so many of you have given. It's times like this that words seem so inadequate in describing our sincere gratitude, but from the heart we say
'THANK YOU!' We also want to let you in on something; we'll be taking a part of you along with us, as we strive to do all we can to make a difference. A few days ago as I was reading, I came across this quote: "
I will never reach them all--that is humanly impossible. But I am responsible for those I come in contact with....and with God's help, I will make a difference in their lives". Yes, the harvest is plentiful...but thanks to God (and you) there's at least 4 more workers
(plus the 20 other members of this team) being
sent out! On the upper left corner of my blog I've included a link so you'll be able to follow along with
frequent (hopefully daily)
updates on the work we'll be doing while we're away. There's also a link for the
Daily Prayer Guide for those of you who'd like to know how you can be praying specifically for the team. Hope you check these out! Again thank you for your continued prayers and until later; May God bless you and keep you!
Let worship be the fuel for mission's flameWe're going with a passion for Your nameWe're going for we care about Your praise Send us out.Let worship be the heart of mission's aimTo see the nations recognize Your fame 'Til every tribe and tongue voices Your praise Send us out.-Matt Redmond