"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
26 days and counting. That's the number of days until we once again return to Swaziland, Africa. More work, more ministry, more opportunity to hopefully impact lives for Jesus Christ. Just yesterday our group of 25 (above) who are going on this trip had our final group meeting together. Lots of information shared. Much planning and prayer has gone into getting to this point. Are we prepared? What will we encounter? What will God do on this trip? As a 'veteran' (this will be my 3rd time in 4 yrs) this should be old hat....but the 'butterflies in the stomach' are back. Feeling a little anxious. Yet as I spend time in God's word I'm reminded that He does not want us (me) to be afraid...but to trust Him. So ok Lord, here it goes: Keep us focused and in tune with You as we continue to look ahead to this marvelous work you have prepared. And thank you that You have promised that wherever we go, and whatever we encounter, You will be there with us....each step of the way!