Friday, May 31, 2013

Number Our Days

"Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." - Psalm 90:12 (ESV)

WOW!  This is the countdown until our team departs for its mission in Swaziland, Africa.  We've been prayerfully preparing for this for over a year.  Lots of hours spent engaging with others regarding the trip, being encouraged by those who've generously come alongside us financially and prayerfully, being prepped by several team training and informational sessions. Yet every step of the way we've found ourselves ultimately trusting God to provide....step by by day.  Amazing.  Our final team meeting is coming up in just over a week. Excitement continues to brew as we realize...we're just under a month from departure.  Just under a month (28 days & counting) from being launched to love on the  precious people of Swaziland.  What a privilege. What a blessing.  Yes Lord, teach us to number our each one counts for You!!