"(Jesus) with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation." Revelation 5:9
Sawubona! Ninjani! (there's your very first language lesson in SiSwati...it means 'Hello, how are you!'). Well, the prep continues. This week has been a busy one. One daughter got her first Hep. A shot (didn't hurt too much, right?) and Mark and I have been busy sending out emails and letters to as many people as possible letting them know all about this journey we're on.
In my quiet time this week I asked God "how can we get the word out...who needs to know about this?" Almost immediately we began to see Him answer in amazing ways! We found out that one of the guys that'll be going on the trip with us is a weatherman for NBC25 (our local NBC affiliate). His station is going to be documenting the entire missions trip. How cool is that? My prayer is that this documentary will bring awareness to the people in our viewing area of this work and encourage them to get involved in some way. (tune in: 1st program due to air Friday Feb. 16, 6:30am & 6pm). Also at my hairdresser's (time for a trim & hide the grey...shhh :-) I had the opportunity to talk with a state government employee (w/the governor's office) about it. She was moved by the importance of this work and said she'd share it with those she works with. And just today (out of the blue!) I received an email from a journalist in England that writes for an international cycling publication called "Procycling". He used to follow the elite cycling circuit back when I raced (over 20yrs ago!) and writes a monthly article on "How Things Used To Be Years Ago"(or something like that). He said that while currently writing a section on women's cycling, at one moment he hesitated wondering 'what ever happened to Sue Novara...?' (my maiden name). He then used the Yellow Pages on the net to contact a bike shop in our area asking about me and voila, we've made contact. He'll be phoning me within the next few days for some information to include in his upcoming article. But there's more...He also wants to run a feature article for cyclingnews.com about me, mentioning 'what we're up to now'. Amazing! God has opened up this incredible opportunity to let 'the world' in on this very important work.
So please be praying...that the message God wants out there will continue to go forth, so that 'every tribe, every tongue, every nation' will be reached. Thanks so much for your continued prayers & financial support. Can't do this without you! I'll blog again soon....
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