Our team has been challenged to spend these final few weeks in prayer and fasting...using the Scripture passage from John 17 as our focus. Jesus prayed this prayer with His disciples just prior to His arrest and subsequent crucifixion. This would be His final time with them before the cross and He wanted them to never forget these words. They are significant and powerful. So we're asking, that you would please join us as we spend this concentrated time in prayer:
- That God would receive all the glory for this work.
- That many Swazis would believe the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.
- That God would protect us from the evil one. (also pray for protection for our hosts Kallie and Charmain of El Shaddai Orphanage, Vasco and Busisiwe of the Manzini church and Pastor Guambe of Mozambique).
- For the spiritual, emotional and physical health of everyone involved in this mission (many of us have been fighting various sicknesses).
- That God would sanctify us by the truth of His Word, so we would be holy as He is holy.
- That our team, and those we will be working with, will be brought to complete unity.
- That we would reflect the love and light of Christ to everyone we'll come in contact with (Mt.5:16).
- That all preparations will be made according to God's will.
- That God would help us keep His word, out of obedience and love for Him.
- That we would depend on God to enable us to accomplish the work He has prepared in advance for us to do.
We praise God for this privilege of joining Him in this journey and thank Him abundantly for each of you. May the grace and peace of our Lord be with you always. I'll blog again soon.
dear Sue, Mark and girls
just wanted you to know that we
(the whole family) are praying for you and the team going to Africa. We are excited for you! We will pray everyday that you are gone for safety, health and that God's Word will be made known, that His love will be evident to those you serve. -Kari for the Bergmans
Thanks so much for your prayers. Hopefully we can connect with you guys this fall on our UP trip. I'll let you know the dates later. Say hi to all! God bless.
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