During one of the afternoons, we had the chance as a group to go on Safari. An amazing opportunity to be able to experience some of the wild animals that are native to Africa. Prior to this day many of us had only seen these animals in zoos...safely separated by several feet of fencing and moats. But not this time. We were up close and personal. In their environment....on their turf! As we spent the afternoon traveling in our Land Rover viewing these amazing creatures (and even being charged by a somewhat irritated elephant) I was reminded of something I'd heard a native Swazi once say; "Praise God for how He decorates the earth with His animals". Yes, these were His animals and our time there was truly a time of praise and worship to our awesome God and creator!
Warthog (pumba).................................White Rhinosaurus

African Elephant..................................King of the jungle


Nyala................................................Megan, Kathleen & Lauren

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