AIDS. ORPHANS. WIDOWS. PANDEMIC. Serious words. Serious reality. Take a look at these recent statistics (HIV & AIDS information from
-33million are living with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
-More than 25 million people have died of HIV/AIDS since 1981
-Africa has 12 million AIDS orphans
Now, take a personal inventory. Do you know anyone that is affected by HIV/AIDS? 5 years ago my answer would have been 'no'. But not any longer. Here are some pics of those I've met who face the reality of HIV/AIDS every single day.
I challenge you to watch this video link.
You may be asking yourself; "What can I do?" You can:
-pray for them
-give of your time, energy & resources to organizations that are on the frontlines fighting the fight against HIV/AIDS (like Compassionate Life Foundation
-go yourself.
You see, when we all face Jesus someday (and we will!) and He asks us: "What have you done for the least of these?"...what will our answer be?