"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. " Psalm 91:1
Half of our time in Swaziland was spent up in the mountains at an amazing place called El Shaddai. It's a children's home for 64 orphans. But it's more than that. It also has a church where the people of the surrounding village come each week to learn about God's word and Jesus. The church also houses a pre-school where around 50 little ones walk for miles each morning to come to school. It also has a clinic where on Thursdays and Fridays the sick (and there are many!) come for help. It also has a school where 264 children, grades 1 through 7, are able to go to school for free (unheard of in Swaziland). Our time at El Shaddai was well spent...albeit exhausting! We built a massive playscape for the orphanage (miraculously built in just 3 days when the supplier said it normally takes 3 weeks!!), put up fencing around the babies' house, assembled furniture in the long term volunteer house, manned the clinic with highly trained nurses, painted, visited & taught at the school and played & loved on as many children as possible. The name El Shaddai means 'God Almighty' and after seeing what God is doing there we realize...He truly is!!
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