Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Where your heart is...

"...for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

Happy Valentines Day!

I once had a person tell me that if they could take a peek at my 'day planner', they'd be able to tell alot about me...thinking that how we schedule our days tells the real story about what matters most in our lives. That may be true, but I believe my refrigerator door might run a close second. To give you a visual, on it is an erasable whiteboard for notes...kinda like our 'important things to do list' (can't live without that!). But you'll also find pictures on it. Pictures of: our immediate family, the missions kids we sponsor, close friends who mean the world to us, and a few magnets to hold it all in place. But there's also one more thing that's been up there for quite some time...that might sum it all up. It simply says; "Love God, love people, nothing else matters". With today being Valentines day, my hope and prayer is that maybe we'd all take a little time to reflect on what truly matters most in this life...and begin to devote ourselves to that. Thanks for listening as I share my heart with you today. We appreciate every one of you and are grateful that you're on this journey along with us. Please continue to keep us in prayer. Some things to pray for:

  • That we'd stay focused (and encouraged) as we keep moving ahead by faith
  • That God would continue to open doors of opportunity to include others in joining us in this work
  • That the entire funding for the airline tickets for all four of us would be in place by the Mar. 4th deadline (we are trusting God for a miracle in this)
  • That those who are over in Swaziland now (until Feb. 28th) would continue to lay the groundwork for our trip in July
  • That the school fees (set by the government) for the Swazi children/orphans would not increase (as is the word on the street...)
  • That God would mercifully keep alive those who would benefit from this work

Love to you all. I'll blog again soon....

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